Colleague Recommendation Instructions

Thank you for taking the time to recommend an applicant for the CityBridge-NewSchools Education Innovation Fellowship. A letter incorporating candid and specific responses to the questions below will aid the selection committee in choosing the 2016 cohort of Fellows. The deadline for submission of this letter is Wednesday, November 11, before midnight. When you are ready to submit your recommendation, please proceed to the Recommenders Application web form.

Guidelines for Writing Your Recommendation Letter

Please consider the following questions as you write your recommendation letter:

  • How long and in what professional capacity have you known the applicant? (Please be sure to name the applicant for whom you are submitting a recommendation.)
  • What are the applicant’s major strengths? Please describe an occasion when these strengths were demonstrated.
  • What are the applicant’s major weaknesses? Please describe an occasion when these weaknesses were demonstrated.
  • What is the applicant’s commitment to—and track record in—driving student achievement?
  • What is the applicant’s capacity to lead change?
  • What is the applicant’s commitment to using technology to personalize instruction?
  • What has the applicant done that you consider creative?
  • What do you expect the applicant to be doing in 15 years?

The title of your document should be: APPLICANT-LASTNAME-FIRSTINITIAL-Recommendation-Letter. (Example: SMITH-J-Recommendation-Letter.docx)

Instructions for Submission

In order for the applicant to be considered for the Fellowship, you must submit your recommendation letter as a Word document through the Education Innovation Fellowship Recommenders Application web form before midnight on Wednesday, November 11.

Use the Recommenders Application web form to submit your information: name, email address, affiliation, and the applicant’s name. You will also upload your recommendation letter through this form.

If you have any problems with this submission process, please email Andrew Pratt, manager of the Education Innovation Fellowship: